

66 Uppsatser om Guardian angel - Sida 1 av 5

Den livsviktiga trådenanknytning mellan vårdnadshavare och spädbarn ur ett professionellt perspektiv

The purpose of this essay was to illustrate professionals? reflections on the concept early attachment between guardian and infant, within different family support activities, and how professionals encourage early attachment between guardian and infant. The mental health state of infants is an important field of knowledge to explore. Attachment between guardian and infant is of the utmost importance for the development of children. The questions we had were: What contains the concept early attachment between guardian and infant from a professional point of view? Which factors have influence on early attachment between guardian and infant? How do professionals work with early attachment between guardian and infant? The essay is a qualitative study based on six interviews with two female district nurses, two female social welfare secretaries, a female psychologist and a female social worker.

God man är som en spindel i nätet : En kvalitativ studie om gode mäns roll och deras relation till ensamkommande barn, ur gode mäns perspektiv

This study is about a guardian ad litem mission, role and relation to unaccompanied children. On the basis of qualitative interviews the study aims to understand the trustees? role and relation to unaccompanied children. We chose to interview nine trustees to achieve a better insight of the trustees roll. We analyzed the interviews and tried to gain a better knowledge about a guardian ad litem mission, role and relationship to unaccompanied children with role theory and concepts off pastoral power and trust.

2000-talets änglasymbol : en djupanalys

The contemporary angel-symbol is deeply rooted in our cultural history, with connotations and implications leading to that inner transitional space where all creative activity takes place. This essay investigates the history of the depiction of angels, visions of angels both ancient and modern, and includes psychological aspects of symbols as such. A closer look at surrounding symbols of angels will hopefully result in a greater understanding of the role of the angel-symbol within the context of visual culture, seen in the light of our own symbolic universe..

The Angel in the House och dess motsats i Virginia Woolfs författarskap : En jämförande och analytisk närläsning av kvinnliga karaktärer i The Voyage Out och To the Lighthouse

This academic essay explores the possibilities to knowledge of God in the thought of Thomas Aquinas. The essay takes its departure from question 12 in the Summa Theologiae, specifically articles 12 and 13 that deal with natural knowledge of God and supernatural knowledge, respectively. It also presents objections made by modern philosophers against these ways of knowledge along with a rebuttal of these objections. Lastly, a conclusion is offered and ends with a reflection on how Aquinas' teaching on human knowledge of God in earthly existence compares with his teaching on the knowledge human beings will have in heaven and what consequences that has for our present knowledge..

Änglar och sorg : Angels and mourning

What psychologial processes are activated in experiencing mourning after a loss of a belovedperson? How is death described in other authors? novels and short stories compared to mine?This essay aims at analysing my two short stories The follower and The price for love fromdifferent aspects. I discuss the psychological realism and the spirituality using the method ofclose reading, interpreting and applying ideas of texts from other authors in my short stories.Death is a central phenomenon in both of my texts. Therefore I discuss death frompsychological and philosophical aspects in this essay. To get a philosophical frame of death Iturn to Jacques Derrida, Emmanuel Levinas and Martin Heidegger.

Nolltolerans eller skademinimering : En studie av hur de svenska och brittiska drogideologierna återspeglas i Dagens Nyheter och The Guardian

Sverige för en narkotikapolitik som ideologiskt grundar sig i visionen om ett narkotikafritt samhälle, ofta omtalat som nolltolerans. Ett annat synsätt som anammats på flera andra håll i världen, bland annat i Storbritannien, grundar sig i principen om skademinimering. Skademinimering innebär att fokus ligger på att reducera drogernas skadeverkningar snarare än utrota drogerna i sig.Vi hade en hypotes om att nolltoleransen borde kunna skönjas i svensk journalistik då vi upplever att rådande politik inte ifrågasätts i någon större utsträckning. Som jämförelsepunkt ville vi även se hur det såg ut i Storbritannien. Ländernas journalistik representeras av tidningarna Dagens Nyheter och The Guardian.

"The Hunt for Reds in October" : En undersökning av Dagens Nyheters och The Guardians rapportering omubåtsjakten i Stockholms skärgård 2014

I uppsatsen har två tidningar, Dagens Nyheter och The Guardian, undersökts och jämförts utifrån deras rapportering om den påstådda ubåtsjakten i Stockholms skärgård i oktober 2014. Syftet var att undersöka hur hotbilder framställdes i Dagens Nyheter och The Guardian genom tidningarnas inramning av händelsen. Tre frågor besvarades: A) Vad har hänt? B) Vem är ansvarig? C) Hur ska man agera? Uppsatsen utgick ifrån tidigare forskning om hotbilder, och framing användes både som teori och metod. Med en metod inspirerad av forskaren Baldwin Van Gorps framingmetod analyserades 26 artiklar från Dagens Nyheter och 6 artiklar från The Guardian.

Inskolning : En undersökning av inskolningen på 70-talet och idag

The enquiry of this work is to look at introduction to preschool in the 1970s and today. The work examines what four books, two from each time period says about introduction, and the guardian's role in their child's introduction. The study is based on three research questions:What view of introduction in preschool in the 70s does the texts show?What is the view in the texts from "today" about introduction in preschool?What view do these texts have about the guardian's role in the introduction?To find out what the texts say about these questions, the method of this work is text analysis. The attachment theory designed by John Bowlby, works as a theoretical framework for this work.The result shows that the texts from both the 70s and from today advocate a cautious introduction, where guardians are involved.

Affärsänglar : En kvalitativ studie om affärsänglars förhållningssätt till risker vid investeringsbeslut

The interest for venture capital within the financial sector in Sweden has, according to earlier studies, been seen as a growing occurrence. Especially for what is known as informal venture capital. In modern times, private investors who engage themselves in small, unlisted companies, providing informal venture capital are to be known as business angels. They close equity gaps on the financial market by contribute financial capital to start-ups and are therefore an important participant on today?s market.

Vinculo Vivo : José María Arguedas, Miguel Angel Asturias och Paulo Coelho

The principal questions that are high lightened in this study are: How is the discrimination of the Indigenous people in Latin-America represented in the works of Jose María Arguedas and Miguel Angel Asturias? How are these two authors interrelated in terms of the defense of a cultural belonging? And finally, can these be associated to Paulo Coelho?s narrative content and techniques?This work shows how, as Nelson Gonzalez-Ortega names it, a narrative discourse of resistance (based on the consequences of the cultural merging of the European and Latin-American people) is expressed and transformed into modern literature. It shows how the works of these authors protect and transmit the interests and the cultural origins of the Latin-American Indigenous people. These origins are expressed by language, myths, storytelling techniques and the presentation of an alternative perspective of the world. It also shows, through analysis of their writing, how some of these authors as dual cultural human beings struggled to balance the two cultural elements they are constituted of.Focus will be on Asturias Hombrez de Maiz, Arguedas Los ríos profundos and Coelhos 11 minutos and El Zahir..

Hackern som skurk och hjälte : Bilden av nätaktivistgruppen Anonymous i Dagens Nyheter, New York Times och The Guardian

Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur gestaltningen kring nätaktivistgruppen Anonymous rapporterades kring i Dagens Nyheter, The New York Times, och The Guardian mellan 2008-01-16 och 2015-03-30. Studien bygger främst på en kvantitativ innehållsanalys men har även en mindre kvalitativ del där en exempeltext från varje tidning har analyserats. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur medier rapporterar kring, och gestaltar grupper som saknar traditionell hierarki. De frågeställningar som besvaras är följande: Hur tenderar artiklarna att gestaltas i form av språk och valens, och skiljer det sig mellan tidningarna? Vilka källor och aktörer tas med i artiklarna? Är artiklarna skrivna av egna reportrar eller externa nyhetsbyråer och skiljer det sig något mellan tidningarna?Studien utgår från den sociala konstruktionsteorin som Stuart Hall definierade den.

Sagan om de två tornen : En jämförande fallstudie av hur 11 september-attackerna gestaltades i svensk och brittisk morgonpress

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att belysa hur 11 september-attackerna gestaltades i svensk och brittisk morgonpress en vecka efter händelserna. Tyngdpunkten i undersökningen ligger på jämförelsen mellan tidningarnas gestaltningar av händelserna.Frågeställningar: Hur gestaltas nyheten veckan efter katastrofen? Vilka likheter och skillnader finns mellan tidningarnas gestaltningar? Hur ser förhållandet mellan text respektive bilder/nyhetsgrafik ut i de båda tidningarna?Teori: Studiens teoretiska ramverk är gestaltningsteorin och främst Robert Entmans modeller. Gestaltningsteorin handlar om mediernas inflytande över hur människor upplever och uppfattar den verklighet vi lever i. Då studien är en jämförelse mellan svensk och brittisk dagspress kontextualiseras studien genom en skildring av situationen för dagspressen i respektive land.Metod: Uppsatsen har undersökt gestaltningar i medieinnehåll genom att använda kvantitativ innehållsanalys som metod för insamling av empiriskt material.

Jämkning av skadestånd och ansvarsförsäkringar

Damages have four main functions: reparation, placing of the costs, distribution of the losses and prevention. The rules about damages evolved before liability insurance had the extension it has today, 97 % of the Swedish populations is covered by liability insurance, since it is included in the comprehensive household insurance. Liability insurance should be looked at in the light of the damage rules, but the rules about damages are adapted to the insurance possibilities.The Law of damages contains, though the general adjustment article 6:2, the adjustment article 2:4 about children and the adjustment article 2:5 about the mentally ill, a possibility to adjust a non reasonable damage claim. If the liability insurance covers the damages no adjustment is made. Even when the adjustment articles are being used the damages is a heavy burden for the person who is liable for the damages.

How Venture Capitalists can use their Network in order to reduce the Information Asymmetries between themselves and the Venture Management Team

The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of how venture capitalists can use their network in order to reduce information asymmetries between themselves and the venture management team. A qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews, consisting of open questions, have been used to receive gradate information in order to reach our explorative purpose. Our theoretical framework consists of relevant studies made on the dynamics of networks and the problems that can arise in the complex relationship between a principal and an agent. We have been interviewing two venture capital firms and therepresentatives from two business angel networks. We also made an additional interview with an influential financial actor in order to try to verify our conclusions Our conclusions are that an extensive network can be used by venture capitalists in order to; verify ventures? technologies, complement the competences in the venture management team, and arrange co-investments, resulting in reduced information asymmetries between themselves and the venture management team.

Rovdjursproblematik i Sverige med fokus på varg och får. Vilka lösningar finns?

The Swedish wolf population is like continue to grow and this will eventually lead to an increase in the predation of livestock. In Sweden carnivore attacks happen most frequent on sheep farms and the majority of these attacks are performed by wolves. Because of this, the main focus in this study is on the sheep and wolf problematic. It is not only the direct killing of livestock that affects the animals and their owners in a negative way. It has also been shown that livestock that lives close to carnivores sometimes change their behaviour in a way that will affect their ability to reproduce and to forage efficiently.

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